Implantation Spotting Twice Twins Implantation Bleeding... Twice???

Implantation bleeding... twice??? - implantation spotting twice twins

Nobody implantation bleeding twice? We have not a urine test, but pos blood (bass), and was postponed after he bled to a half (just like my time was difficult to spotting) doc said it "was prolly implantation. But two days later I had the same cause it was not a miscarriage also had implantation bleeding again hCG is clearly upward, or a little slow for some reason in my urine. Well at least I have two twin sisters and a long family history of twins, this is my 3 pregnancy. I called the doc appointment and told the nurse, it may be possible to twins. My parents also had twins, 3 of pregnancy. What do you think? any implantation bleeding twice? Has anyone twins?

Oh, and I did some tests with the tests only cheap dollar tree, I do not know how sensitive they are. I'm 16-17 as a delegate. And
until my mother had twins on the side of my mother's family, but there is at least one game for each generation of my parents.


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