Game Used Football Helmets Why Do So Many Football Helmets Fall Off These Days?

Why do so many football helmets fall off these days? - game used football helmets

I watch (American) football for the past 30 years. In recent years, seen in the course of the year, semi-regular Saturday (NCAA) and / or Sunday (NFL) I remember only see players lose one of their helmets or twice a year. In recent years, but it seems that helmets tend to die a few times per game. Does anyone know this? If the team is worse? The success is more difficult? Are the players who abuse their computer? Just curious, really.


Da illest said...

The defense is harder to steroids and the guys the ball.

david w said...

The helmets have air pockets in them that the players for the maintenance of full, so that the helmet fit perfectly to a good start when they are responsible.

If the helmet is not suitable or was not being done properly, the helmet does not fit correctly and will eliminate any blow to the head, no matter how tight the strap is attached.

And so severe shocks than ever before.

KEVIN A said...

The answer may surprise you. In these days, with the size and speed of technology players helmet is a must at all times. The very simple jugular intended to go if there is a certain amount of pressure to unlock them operate. Just think, if someone tried to steal his head and wrapped around his helmet, he would not want to break the helmet to pop by the fear of the neck? I know I would.

daniel_f... said...

The media want to make it "fun" and grow the soccer players enough to hit with everything I have. I mean, think, you know guests so much that this aggression was not there? People always want to see violence in one or the other way. Racks superbowl not say millions and millions so what? Soon is a popular sport in America to force flight helmet roid are soaked.

But I do not get me wrong, I love football

TRUTH said...

there is either a big chin or lose it. that's a good point because I knew if I played a strict helmet better for your game, because if you use a headset to feel loose, successful and headaches much easier good. NFL should avoid severe shocks in whereing Helmets

thomas said...

It's great to have just the helmet on his head. Like the guy on the gloves, but no hard Velcro. It is a fad. I played soccer for seven years, one of whom played at the University of D-AA as a mediator and had never left my helmet ...

Scot said...

The players have great / a lot of hair and do not buckle their chin strap on the right.

not said...

Players use their computers inappropriately, to be released and get some kind of saw you made .. Why not say that man is a success when it happens?

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